M&A Management
In our M&A activities, we evaluate both product inventions and start-ups that are worth investing in, as well as existing companies that would be better bought from a strategic perspective before the competition does.
Based on previous process steps from our ’Disruptive Innovation Management’ service portfolio, a reflection with your internal company capabilities and capacities and the resulting ’white field’ assessment, we identify internationally available disruptive technology and related company opportunities that will make you sustainably successful.

Subservices in M&A Management
“AI-driven innovations are essential for standing out in your market. To succeed, develop AI/ML models aligned with your business goals and ensure their ongoing success. But who can help?
We will find the hidden talent that becomes a key driver of your innovation!
We will efficiently identify the right product, technology, or partner—matching your criteria, size, expertise, and budget. Let us handle it!”
Dr.-Ing. Dirk Friedrich, MBA – fritzgoldberg

Technology Due Diligence - Product
We offer to evaluate the core technologies of the target in advance. We do this, for example, by means of a Technology Quick Check, in which we identify the weaknesses and strengths of a technical solution within a very short time and make them quantifiable. In a further step, we offer more comprehensive Technology Expose’s in which we also analyze the entire market environment of a technical solution under consideration and clearly elaborate the unique selling points.
We analyze all technical performance features of a target investment object and identify the unique selling proposition accurately and quickly!
Technology Risk Assessment

The risk analysis offers you an expert and objective view of your opportunities and risks in dealing with targeted external technological USP’s. Are there unique selling points safe from copying, substitution by other better technologies or will these even be disrupted by completely new innovative service approaches (example: digital camera destroys the core business of photo film manufacturers)?
We will systematically find out, analyze your technical expertise and, above all, your weak points. Once these have been clearly identified and evaluated in quantifiable terms, you can work on minimizing these risks. The result is a management dashboard for organizing your technical risk reduction.
Technology Investment Benchmark
Effective decision-making begins with a clear foundation. Our process starts with creating a detailed specification (SPEC) and defining KPIs for your planned investment. From there, we forward the SPEC to selected suppliers, analyze their offers, and ensure clear, technically comparable benchmarks to help you make informed choices.

Technology Quick Assessment
The main aim of the Technology Quick Assessment is to obtain an initial technical assessment in a short space of time as to whether a provider’s technology solution is really attractive from your company’s internal and strategic perspective
Technology Vision Conception
Avoid long-winded monologues about your uniqueness – get to the point, in a way that is understandable to every customer – without beating around the bush, in a short, concise sentence!
Reflecting on your technological risk assessment of being disrupted by competitive solutions, based on the product and service strategy formulated from the carefully developed Voice of Customer, we will work with you to create a unique technology vision, including an unbeatable slogan!
Technology Due Diligence - Company
We offer to evaluate the core technologies of the target in advance. We do this, for example, by means of a Technology Quick Check, in which we identify the weaknesses and strengths of a technical solution within a very short time and make them quantifiable. In a further step, we offer more comprehensive Technology Expose’s in which we also analyze the entire market environment of a technical solution under consideration and clearly elaborate the unique selling points.
We analyze all technical performance features of a target investment object and identify the unique selling proposition accurately and quickly!

Financial Due Diligence
In addition to the Technology Due Diligence, part of the process here is the uncovering of hidden financial opportunities and risks at the target company to improve the quality of your purchase decision and to increase the accuracy of the valuation of your target due to the improved level of information.
With the support of our top professional experts & partners from law firm NS+P Aachen / Germany, we take care of the most professional evaluation and processing of financial information in the sense of a purchase takeover audit.
Strategic Legal Services & Advise

fritzgoldberg is cooperating with the law firm Lambsdorff Berlin, the leaders in strategic legal advice who will not settle for good enough!
„Our clients operate globally. We support companies, management teams, shareholders, investors and founders from different industry sectors and jurisdictions.
Committed to high quality advice with a high level of responsiveness, efficiency and transparencye, we cooperate with a strong international network of high-profile lawyers from all practice areas who share our commitment to deliver consistent quality in English, French, Spanish and German.“
Reviewing Investment's Technical Attractiveness
Sometimes you just can’t buy what you’re looking for, or what you urgently need from a strategic or technical point of view. Then it’s up to the technicians in your core team to come up with a technical solution that will leave not only your customers but also your competitors speechless. Then it’s time for us to offer you our top support in developing what your strongest competitors dare not even think of for fear of economic repercussions.
Let’s get started!
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