The Chief’s
Technology Office

Only the best among the best! Our highly experienced, executive specialists as your most efficient wingmen!
We work where you want us to be – at your location and also remotely for 6 DAYS a week at 10 HOURS a day!
Get in touch with Us

Our Motivation & Core Message

Master the challenges of our time by bringing the support of our operationally experienced company founders, top managers, technology specialists and down-to-earth experts into your team.
Even if the main drive comes from you, we are your turbocharger and show you the safe way through the tight corner to your goal.
Your success is our aspiration. Your trust in us is the beginning of what makes your company unique.

Your Benefit from Our Extensive Technology Experts Network

At Fritz Goldberg, we combine high-quality craftsmanship with down-to-earth expertise. Our team consists of top professional engineers and reliable craftsmen, complemented by experienced C-level managers. As former entrepreneurs with successful exits, we bring not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience to our consulting services.

Our approach is always practical and down-to-earth. We believe in hard work, honesty and reliability as the cornerstones of any successful business. At Fritz Goldberg, you won’t be given any lofty theories, but tangible solutions based on years of experience.

We promote innovation and business growth through targeted disruption, always with an eye on the practical benefits for our clients. Put your trust in a team that not only preaches entrepreneurship, but has lived it successfully.


Dr.-Ing. Dirk Friedrich, MBA

As a passionate entrepreneur, I do believe that technological substance is key to successful innovations. My expertise spans product innovation creation and management, technology due diligence, M&A management and technology investment benchmarking. I offer in-depth knowledge of AI in production, technology marketing, and technical risk assessment. This diverse experience enables me, togethaer with my team, to develop comprehensive, future-oriented solutions for complex technological challenges.

Founder & Managing Director fritzgoldberg

Global Director Technology & Innovation Quaker Houghton USA
Founder/ CEO/Exit – grindaix GmbH

Head of M&A – Körber Group Hamburg

Chief Engineer WZL / Aachen University

PhD Manufacturing Technology

MBA Executive Technology Management

Our Team & Key Partners that make Fritz Goldberg unique

  • Entrepreneur with 2 successful start-ups/exits.

    Christoph Jung, MBA
    Expertise: Fundraising / M&A advice / Networking leading investors and potential strategic partners / High performing online marketing / Sales / e-commerce consulting / scouting in production – logistics – marketing and web development
  • Managing Director Institute for Industry Communication Aachen University and WZLforum gGmbH Aachen, Germany.

    Dr.-phil. Kirstin Marso-Walbeck
    Expertise: Copywriter, Direct Marketing / Press and Public Relations / E-learning / Web-based industry seminars / online tutorials / trade shows / specialized event management
  • Entrepreneur and partner of a web agency (Leer / Hamburg Germany).

    Henning Kruse
    Expertise: Design & creation of brands, products and digital platforms / online marketing / digital transformation / clear communication of technical services / technology marketing
  • Owner of a digital agency (Hamburg, Germany)

    Julian Oberhoff
    Expertise: Design & Developing digital company communications and platforms / Digital Transformation / Digital industry / Full-Stack Development / UI (UX) Design / Digital process consulting and development
  • Entrepreneur and founding partner of the law firm Lambsdorff (Berlin, Germany).

    Dr. Christian Stuhlmann
    Expertise: Corporate transactions / Restructuring / Venture capital / Corporate law / Recognized by “Handelsblatt newspaper” and “Best Lawyers” as one of the best lawyers in Germany (2024)
  • Partner in the law firm NS+P; Graduate in business administration, auditor, tax consultant (Aachen / Germany)

    Dirc Fröschen
    Expertise: Digitization / Process consulting / Insolvency / Interim management / Financial due diligence / Auditing / Specialist consultant for reorganization and restructuring
  • Partner in the law firm NS+P, Graduate in business administration, auditor, tax consultant, expert in company valuations (Aachen / Germany)

    Dr. rer oec. Irg Müller
    Expertise: Company valuations / Financial due diligence / Corporate finance / Energy industry / Restructuring / Reorganization / Insolvency
  • Partner in the law firm NS+P, business graduate, tax consultant (Aachen / Germany)

    Michael Riediger
    Expertise: Company valuation / Financial due diligence
  • Entrepreneur, Managing Director of an IT-Solutions & Security firm, SLD (Cologne, Germany)

    Markus Loosen
    Expertise: IT infrastructure (Hardware/Software) / IT Security / Cyber Security / Penetration Testing / Incident Response & Thread Hunting / Hybrid Cloud Services / Data protection / IT Emergency / IT Risk Assessment
  • Entrepreneur with a successful exit. Owner fritzgoldberg GmbH (Cologne, Germany)

    Dr.-Ing. Dirk Friedrich, MBA
    Expertise: Executive Technology Management / Disruptive Innovation Development / Technical Risk Assessment / Competitive Landscape Analysis / Technology Due Diligence / M&A Management / Digital Transformation / Technical Restructuring /

Become a Partner
& Join our experts

You have management experience, proven innovation skills, outstanding reputations? Then we should get you orders and get going!
Let us talk

Proof of our Top Professionalism

Science Award 2004

RWTH-Aachen University
Machine Tool Laboratory WZL

Industrial Award 2005

FAG Kugelfischer Foundation
Manufacturing Technology

2 German Innovation Awards

With team grindaix
TOP 100 most innovative company

in Germany 2018 & 2020

Our references!

What we have delivered so far at fritzgoldberg

Responsibilities & Achievements

Management of R&D projects

Publicly and industrially funded international research projects for the innovation of production technology.

0+ Mio.

Tech Marketing

Organization, content design, moderation, follow-up of technical events with and for industrial companies (tier 1-3) and universities.

high-tech training events
product launches /
customer events


Executive technology management, C-level managers, Company founders, Managing directors, Top lawyers and Financial experts.

R&D staff / Engineers


max. technical project budget
M&A - max. target value

Customer acquisition

Our partners have an excellent reputation and many years of management experience in an extensive international industry and research network.

active returning customers

CRR up to 90%+


We are familiar with the pain points, as we are founders, entrepreneurs, exiteers and know exactly which challenges have to be overcome on the road to success!

foundation / exits
0Mio. +
fundraising /
VC stage 1-3

Commercialized Inventions 
& Developments


Centerless Grinding

Process Stability Software

Process Control Software for grinding applications


Cooling lubricant supply technologies / systems (>100)


Coolant Supply System Provider

Web based metal working supplier
(> 1000 CNC – machines)

Optimization of production 
machines (> 7500)
Online Furniture Configurator / Seller

Online Furniture Configurator / Seller


IoT Gateways (Databox)

Fluid Control Pad

Sensor – wear resistant
(p,Q,T – detection) – for highly contaminated fluids

Sensors & Equipment

dedicated fluid anaylsis / control

We have already achieved a lot! But we never get tired of generating disruptive innovation!

Companies with a maximum target volume of $ 963 Mio.
technology fields incl. related suppliers, products and patents
technical product assessments

Our Partners in Disruption

We have evaluated our partner companies over many years of joint cooperation and ultimately carefully selected them to be able to offer you the most professional symbiosis of technical and specialist expertise from a single professional source within the scope of our service portfolio.

Get in touch

We would be delighted to get in touch with you.
Just send us an email and we will call you back immediately!

Your team